

822 Sellers Drive

Jackson, OH 45640


Our Staff

Board of Developmental Disabilities

The Jackson County Board of Developmental Disabilities central offices are located at Hope Haven School on Sellars Drive in Jackson.

Nick Elliott
Myra Mathews
Business Manager
Kelly Dunn
Fiscal Clerk
Heather Pastor
Administrative Assistant
Lana Matthews
SSA Director
Jon Harris
SSA/Behavior Support Specialist
Keith Burd
MUI Coordinator
Angie Butcher
Early Intervention/Developmental Specialist

Hope Haven School

Hope Haven School offers distinctive opportunities for students to discover their passion through ample opportunities to develop that passion through educational and vocational activities. We are built upon caring teachers, staff, differentiated academics, as well as community support.

Christy Byler
Annette Miller
Preschool Teacher
Sami Queen
Primary K-1 Teacher
Shannon French
Primary 2-3 Teacher
Jason Williams
Middle School Teacher
Stephanie McKinniss
Primary 3-4 Teacher
Michelle Conway
SOAR Teacher
Laura Ratliff
High School Teacher
Tamie Welch
Health and Safety Administrator
Bethany McCarty
Primary 5-6 Teacher